Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hi, I am making this blog for myself to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ.

As a sinner, every human being falls short when it comes to purity, and as a human being, I'm not perfect...but there is one who will help us live more up to our responsibility as Christians, to stay from sin, to think day and night of his words and pray like real Pentecostal believers, casting out devils and walking in the Divine healing our Lord has enabled to us. Thus, I have created this blog for discussion and opinion and I would be happy for you to visit.

I am 13, and I live in Oregon of the United States.
Please note that I am young and I don't understand some language that come for people of later years, so make sure all your words are easy enough for me to understand, so that I don't have to tell you to repeat what you had just said again.

Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope you will read more later in the near future.

Love in Christ,



sunny_12 said...

Yeah, unfortunately no one is perfect except Jesus. It's like the Switchfoot song "This is Your Life." Whenever I hear that song I start to think about how far I am from who I want to be; what we should all try to be.

If you're temped to say "I can't," don't forget to add, "yet."

sunny_12 said...

You had to add that part in your profile about how you'll love your friends no matter how weird they are? Thanks. Makes me feel great. ;)

starsofglory said...

Oh yes, I love that song. It really reminds me, too, to take a look at my life to find flaws and to fix them. To live more like Jesus.

Oh, and yes, I had to add that part! I added that part especially for you, too! ;)

Elegance said...

Nice blog! Hey I also have a huge family,4 real, there's 11 kids in my family and my mom might be pregnant, so everyone's really excited..if u don't believe me I'll say everyone in order... Sarah, Josh,Sharon,John, Hannah, Me-Charity,Christina,Justin,Danny,Joey,&last-Sammy...sammy is only 17 months old and he's soo cute!Well, have a Merry Christmas!!

Elegance said...

I like ur blog!

starsofglory said...

Glad you visited.=]