Monday, April 28, 2008

Free from the curse

My Paster, Pastor Louie, preached last Sunday about the curse that fell upon us when Adam and Eve had sinned, but had been taken off of us when Jesus came and died. The curse was all the added hardships and pain. And yet, every Christian goes on as if they are still under the curse because they don't know! One of the things that the devil gets away with almost every single time is women who give birth shouldn't feel the pains of childbirth! If they believe in Jesus, they don't have to receive the the pain, they tell the devil to beet it, and under our authority God gave us over them (Luke 10:19,) they must stop bringing pain or affliction or sickness, and leave.
We don't know it, but we have so much more freedom than what we think! We were cursed with many things once, yes, but... God has taken those from our backs if only we receive it.
If only every Christian knew about this, and we were walking in wealth, healing and from the curse, what a message we would send to everyone else!

Your sister in Christ,

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hi everyone.
I found this a long time ago, and I know that about all of you have seen it, but I want it on my blog just so that anybody who wants to watch it (or somebody I want to watch it) can come here to see.
God bless you.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Holy is the Lord! Praise His name!

1. Psalms 149:3
Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp

Oh, God is so good! So many blessings he has poured out onto those who love him!

Oh, people, God is so great! All the blessings he's provided, all the love he has given to us. He died--He DIED on a terrible cross for our sin just so that some of us, who would accept His gift to us, an unfaithful servant could make it into eternal life with him in heaven.

He gave up his life to give us life! He was beaten for our healing and he was persecuted so that we could be accepted. Oh, how great is the love of our heavenly Father!

I sit here thinking of how much he really does love us, and how much mercy he has and how much I would probably have if I were God. It's amazing how God works.
Just lately that has been what I've been thinking about. Some of us don't think so much of it, but it's time to think much of it. And me, in just thinking much of it, I am convinced I have been acting off the wall to how I should. So before you, my friends, I'm going to stop this nonsense of coming back and going further from Jesus. I'm going to come back and I'm going to stay back. God is calling me in and I can't say no to his call. His love is pulling me in at full length and I have no choice but to obey the voice calling my name. I have never been so happy to accept his gift.